2016 MBP w TouchBar - Windows 10 Bootcamp KMS activation

New Contributor III

So I'm making my late 2016 MacBook Pro with TouchBar dual boot. Using Boot Camp Assistant, I've installed Windows 10 Pro, but it was a pain to get there. I couldn't use the typical ISO that I would download from the Microsoft Volume Licensing website; I had to use the Anniversary update that Microsoft provides and claims works with bootcamp (version 1703). I then upgraded to the Creators update. Neither version will activate Windows because it claims the previous version was not activated... however there was of course no previous version.

We have volume licensing for Windows on a KMS server, but when in Windows I try to force activation by typing slmgr.vbs /ato in an elevated command prompt, I get an error saying I'm running a Windows non-core edition.

Does anyone know if there is a KMS-compatible version of Windows (Pro) that is ALSO compatible with these PIA 2016 MBPwTBs???