3d Printers


I know this isn't about JAMF itself but i was hoping to pick some brains of people who are also in a OSX school environment and have worked with 3d Printers.

Technology teaching staff asked me to start looking into 3d printers.
I have done some basic research and going to visit some other school soon as well.

Can any recommend a brand or model and anything else that could help me along with my research?
what type of tasks/projects are you using them for?

Thanks guys.


New Contributor III

This is definitely a deep rabbit hole that you are about to enter.....

Two questions to start off with.

What grade level is this for?

What is the purpose and goal of getting a printer?


Hey @Jmazzuca182

Yes, allot of options and things to think about.
I should have put a bit more info in the question sorry.

This will be for Aus Year 7 - 12 ( aged 13-18)

We currently design object in AUtocad and Sketchup Pro and then they go make them in the wood working rooms.
We want to get the idea of draft/design - prototype - and then end result.

We do a bit of lego robotics and arduino coding so it would be cool to design up case's or robotic parts to expand their capabilities.

We also wish to do some work with 3d scanning and then printing out objects.


Valued Contributor II

I've had a great experience with NVBots printers and service. You can't control the slicing as that's done for you, but having a network connected 3d printer that's capable of running and removing its own parts has been invaluable. Also, their service is fantastic as these are still 3d printers that extrude PLA plastic. Eventually, there will be an issue.

FULL DISCLOSURE: They've sponsored our FIRST Robotics Team and sent along some extra filament! However, I've been recommending them for a few years now, well before that happened. If you want to chat about it shoot me an email:


Thanks for the info @Chris_Hafner I have looked them up and seem like a sweet setup.

I have contacted them to see about options here in AUS.


Valued Contributor

I personally own a 3D printer. I use the Flash Forge Creator Pro and it is a very good printer and produces high quality prints. I would not recommend going with any Makerbot fifth generation printers. I owned one and the extruder is a nightmare. You will have more down time than up time.


So i got a quote back from NVBots and the printer was going to cost $20,000 ( $12,000 for schools)
this was in USD currency ( we are in AUS) and we would have to pay for shipping tax and freight to AUS.

So in the end, not really an option for us. We are more looking around $2000 AUD amount.


Thanks for the info @jared_f I am looking into the flashforge Creator Pro and the Dreamer Dual Head printer.
not too sure the major differences are between the two.

I can get a Flashforge Creator pro for $1449 AUD inc GST


which do you think we should go with.

thanks for the heads up with the makerbot ones

Valued Contributor

@peter.caldwell I have the Creator Pro and really enjoy it. I think it is a little easier to load filament etc. with the Creator Pro. I highly recommend PLA filament because it is easier to work with. I use HatchBox PLA. I use Makerbots slicer product and I find it works well, you just have to export the print in the correct file format. If you have any questions, feel free to email me: Flitt.j@gmail.com. You can also put them in this thread!