3rd Party Patching Smart Groups

Contributor III

I'm in the process of trying to make our 3rd party updates easier in our QA environment. We currently have 12 smart groups setup for 12 apps. It's set to Patch Reporting - Less Than and the version we're deploying, and that group is set to the scope in the policy. We have 3 test groups we use, alpha, beta and uat. For each deployment date, we have to add to go in to each smart group and adjust it to add the group and then on the prod deployment, we remove all the test groups.

I created a smart group that as all 3 test groups and labeled it deployment users, just set the operator to member of for the group I want to deploy to. I then created another group and added the criteria to member of the deployment users and then added the 12 packages below it. I set that as the scope for each policy, but when doing that, it shows my test mac pending for all the apps, but none are installed except Firefox which I'm testing with. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, but I would think it work. Just trying to figure out a way to make this easier.
