403 error

New Contributor


I am new to Jamf Pro and have been asked by a school to come and administer their system. The previous IT manager had knowledge of it but that seems to have gone with him.

We are having a lot of challenges but we suspect that our logins to not have the correct privileges. For example when going trying to create a policy and going to packages, if I select package settings, I get a 403 error. Equally in settings, computer management, I only see 'Inventory display', nothing else.

Thanks for any input,



New Contributor III

Hi Adam

Is you instance or Jamf cloud hosted or locally hosted? In regard to not being able to see everything it sounds like you haven't been given full access. 

New Contributor

Thanks for replying. It is Jamf Pro in the cloud.

My colleague found the answer. In the top right there was a dropdown to select 'full Jamf Pro'. This provided the options we were missing.