New Contributor III

Joined: October 2020

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Is it possible to export a list of just the applications found across all devices without listing the device name. Basically I want just a list of applications so that periodically I can run the report, go through the list and look for odd applicatio...
I have 7 devices that I am trying to push Logic Pro to via self service. We have enough licenses so I know that is not the issue. Looking at the console logs I get the below. default 15:07:16.234430+1300 appstored [DIS1962A88F/
Has anyone had success with getting the time machine profile to work. I have configured it with server address and verified from a device that the server can be reached using this address.The profile is loading onto the device however system preferen...
I am getting the following error when Jamf tries to push a newly created profiles using the "ProfileCreator" app from Github -[__NSCFConstantString objectForKeyedSubscript:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x7fff8b2300e0 Each of the profiles ...