Posted on 01-22-2013 06:18 AM
When the 802.1x Ethernet configuration profile is installed on a Macbook Pro Retina using the Ethernet adapter, the computer will refuse to display the login screen without the Ethernet adapter plugged in. If starting from off, it will crash on the gray apple screen. If logging out of a current profile and the adapter is removed, it will crash at a white screen. While the Ethernet adapter is plugged in, it works fine, even without a network cable. I know the .1x profile interacts with the login screen because it adds that drop-down box, but it seems like it is expecting the Ethernet hardware to always be present if the profile is installed. The profile will also refuse to install through Casper unless the Ethernet Adapter is plugged in. A few things I've tried:
Deleting the Preferences.plist and NetworkPreferences.plist files
Adding the MAC address to the JSS removable MAC address list
Re-creating the profile and double-checking all settings
Attempting to install the profile without the Ethernet adapter installed, but Casper will only install it if it detects Ethernet hardware
Adding a .1x wireless profile alongside the Ethernet profile
All updates are installed
* I attempted to install the profile manually, but it wouldn't install without the Ethernet adapter plugged in. when I did plug it in and install it manually, it did the same thing
I'm running AD accounts with no MCX and users are authenticated to the network through the login screen. Any ideas?
Posted on 01-23-2013 10:52 AM
I've narrowed this down to a bug in the OS. I've reported it to Apple and I am awaiting their response.
Posted on 09-26-2013 06:07 PM
This is also happening at our campus. We have found that a clean install of the OS with the 802.1x Wired profile will work fine with or without the adapter on Airs and retinas (computers w/o built-in Ethernet).
When we install the OS built with Composer, the issue of the broken login screen (stuck at apple) happens.
Apple is asking us to create an OS base with system image utility and deploy via casper to try narrow it down.
Scrape.. have you heard anything back from Apple?
Posted on 03-08-2016 06:27 PM
Hi Scrape & debrat:
What ever happened with this? Did you hear back from Apple?
I've been deploying 802.1x WiFi config profiles for a year with good results but now our network henchmen want to turn on NAT for EtherNet too. So I've got the certs and made another login window option on the pull-down for that. My problem is that it doesn't authenticate and connect from the login despite it being selected. Just clocks. I have to connect via WiFi then in the Network Prefs; authenticate and connect the EN separately. I suppose I've missed somthing but don't know what.
Anyone using EN NAT and have login window auth. working?
- Scott in T.O.
Posted on 03-09-2016 06:43 AM
@ScottyBeach Are you trying to do device or user authentication on your wired network?