Posted on 06-18-2023 05:07 PM - last edited on 06-29-2023 11:31 AM by CalleyO
For whatever reason, there was a day when the macadmins slack was particularly goofy & there was a call for poems. I posted this Haiku:
I have a problem.
Use regular expression.
I have two problems.
I can't take credit for the joke above, only for formulating it as a haiku. The origin goes back into the lore of computing. Here's a good summary:
The regular expression syntax is an amazing human achievement. (Really!) The addition of regex values in Jamf Pro Smart Groups (which I have used a lot) probably made the idea of using them even more appealing. Eventually, most macadmins encounter a situation where they believe regex may be the answer to their problem. Often, it has something to do with date / time stamps, or, version strings.
However, there are good ways of handling version string comparisons WITHOUT writing your own regex. You should take advantage of them. Don't introduce potential layers of failure into scripts that are difficult to troubleshoot or understand. Let the very experienced programmers who have done things like create shell environments & binaries for you handle the hard stuff...
I wrote about one of these tools already: sort --reverse --version-sort here.
Here's another I have been advised to use for a while now. I'm old & slow & stubborn, but, I finally got around to it...
# notes:
# $4 Script Parameter in Jamf must be an application bundle id, e.g.,
# $5 Script Parameter in Jamf must be an application bundle name, e.g.,
# $6 Script Parameter in Jamf must be an application short version string, e.g., 14.2
# $7 Script Parameter in Jamf toggles a test mode. If populated with the string "test" the script will perform a "dry run" without removing files.
# variables (only populate these if Jamf Script Parameters are not used)
# data
arrdata=($(/usr/bin/mdfind -0 "kMDItemCFBundleIdentifier = $appbndl" | /usr/bin/xargs -0 /usr/bin/mdls -name 'kMDItemVersion' -name 'kMDItemPath' | /usr/bin/sed 's/kMDItemPath = //g;s/kMDItemVersion = //g'))
# functions
autoload is-at-least
appvr_ck(){ >&2 printf "\nChecking %s versions...\n" "$appname" ; }
appvr_no(){ >&2 printf "\nNo %s found. Exiting...\n" "$appname" ; }
appvr_ok(){ >&2 printf "\nFound %s\nversion = %s\nOk. Leaving %s in place...\n" "${arrdata[i-1]}" "${arrdata[i]}" "$appname" ; }
appkill="$(echo "${arrdata[i-1]}" | /usr/bin/sed 's/"//g')"
>&2 printf "\nFound %s\nversion = %s\nInsecure version. Deleting %s...\n" "$appkill" "${arrdata[i]}" "$appkill"; /bin/rm -f -r "$appkill"
>&2 printf "\nValidating deleted path: %s\n" "$appkill"; /bin/ls -ls "$appkill"
exit 0
>&2 printf "\nFound %s\nversion = %s\nInsecure version. Deleting %s\n" "${arrdata[i-1]}" "${arrdata[i]}" "${arrdata[i-1]}"
>&2 printf "\n!!! TEST MODE !!! Disabling test mode will remove: %s\n" "${arrdata[i-1]}"
not_root(){ >&2 printf "\nThis script must be executed as the root user. Exiting...\n" ; }
# operations
if [ "$EUID" != 0 ]
not_root; exit
if [ -z "${arrdata[*]}" ]
appvr_no; exit
for ((i=2;i<=${#arrdata[@]};i+=2))
if is-at-least "$appvers" "${arrdata[i]}"
appvr_ok; continue
case "$tstmode" in
'test' ) appvr_tm ;;
* ) appvr_rm ;;
This script is being used in my environment to handle removing older, insecure versions of installed apps.
There is nothing groundbreaking in it, but, it is taking advantage of a very, very nice zsh feature: is-at-least will do version string comparisons for you with its own built-in regex library (exactly what sort --version-sort is doing, by the way...)
If you enter set -x at the top of the script & execute it you will see the somewhat quaint zsh output & how it is breaking apart the version string into separate test commands for each "stanza".
Two things I will say about the script style:
1) The reason I separate my output text in functions from operations is because I hate seeing all that blah blah junking up the logic of the script.
2) The reason the Jamf Script Parameters (if you are using them) get renamed is because every function effectively runs as a subshell. Subshells get their own set of arguments / parameters. If you don't rename the Jamf Script Parameter variables, they would not be "portable" throughout the script, i.e., in the functions.
Most of the ideas in this script come from Tom Larkin's excellent blog post on using Spotlight data which you should definitely read:
PS. Remember to execute this with something like sudo zsh /path/to/script or else you will be sad.
Posted on 06-19-2023 09:41 AM
Excellent writeup Brock, thank you for sharing...