Acceptable Use Policy -- want to just run once

New Contributor

We use JAMF connect and use a pre-enrollment policy for our MDM enabled Macs. Which is almost all of them. Usually works well.

We use the same packages for pre-enrollment and a self-service for the stand-alone machines which we snap in.




The problem is that users who enroll with pre-enrollment don't have to agree to the EULA every time they log on. However, users who are snapped in and install those via Self-Service have to agree to the EULA every time they log on to the machine from an off state.

Is there a setting hiding somewhere that let's us control having it run just once?


New Contributor III

Never set the EULA at Connect but what we do in our org. is to set a panel as “Text” in the PreStage for the EULA:

If only one user is gonna use that device, perhaps is the easiest solution.

Valued Contributor

You should be able to set the Audit Log via your config profile, and you can probably leverage is existence and contents for appropriate EAs/Smart Groups/Scoping/etc.