Posted on
06:48 AM
- last edited
Not sure if I'm missing something....
Acrobat 11.x is compatible with the Adobe Remote Update Manager using the "--channelID=Pro--11.0.0--osx10--AdobeAcrobatXIPro-11.0" string.
However, I cannot find a matching channelID OR --ProductVersion string for Acrobat DC. Am I simply missing it due to lack of caffeine this AM, or did Adobe REALLY leave it out? Was hoping to not have to push a package out but just include it with our normal CC updates.
Posted on 05-24-2017 07:22 AM
One and only bump... anyone? I'll just package it up if not, but really frustrating if there isn't a way to do the current version via RUM.
Posted on 07-19-2017 06:16 PM
May as well grab the updaters from their page:
After all, Adobe has a lot of scripters to feed...holy cat crap Batman! Yea, I know, this is for XI, but worth trolling Adobe.