Jamf Pro
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Forum Posts

Microsoft Teams (Work or School) removal script

Hey all, I have been using the tools at https://office-reset.com/macadmins/ for assisting with O365 and other office related issue. However, I was wondering if anyone has made a Microsoft Teams (Work or School) removal script? Office reset has a full...  View more

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Simple Bash script

I have a configuration profile that adds our VPN configuration. I then have a policy that kicks off this simple bash script. open “/System/Library/CoreServices/Menu Extras/vpn.menu” All this does is check the box for "Show VPN status in the menu bar"...  View more

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Webex Call Setting

Is there a way to force the setting in Webex to automatically use webex for the "start call with" setting with a script or policy? There are some users that have this set to Facetime. In Webex, the 3 options available are Webex, Facetime and Microsof...  View more

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Hello Client Credentials, Goodbye Basic Auth!

Hello Jamf Nation! As many of you may have noticed, Jamf Pro version 10.49 introduced a new authentication mechanism for interacting with the Jamf Pro and Classic APIs. We're excited to provide a more modern and secure solution for API interactions! ...  View more

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Jamf Pro LAPS: Retrieving Password via Terminal

A new function for your ~/.zshrc to retrieve the managed Apple admin account password from Jamf ProBackgroundWith the enhancements included in the recently released Jamf Pro 10.49.0, we decided to take a more serious look at Jamf Pro LAPS.In doing so...  View more

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maxon script help!

Good Morning,Is anyone deploying/using Maxon. They provide a command file and a .plist file to automatically run the command file, but I am having a problem getting the command file to launch properly. I was thinking I could generate a login script, ...  View more

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Logging to server via bash script

I thought I had already posted this, but it's no where to be found. I use a bash script which kills Zoom Rooms and forces a restart. Unfortunately this script doesn't leave any evidence of running, likely because it restarts before the script actuall...  View more

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Create server log entry inside script

I have a bash script which restarts, after Killing Zoom Rooms via killall. shutdown -R now I use this script because for whatever reason a policy using Restart Options does not work, likely because Zoom Rooms blocks it. Unfortunately there is never a...  View more

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Script to Change First Two Letters of Device Name

Hi All,I'm looking to create a script that I can run to change just the first two letters of a Devices name. We currently use Building-student(or teacher) and barcode (all under 15 characters for our AD bind). Since moving to one-to-one this year, I ...  View more

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Invoking Rosetta2 For Specific Apps

Hi All, You know that 'Open using Rosetta' check box that we can turn on and off from a 'Get Info' window? Can anyone share how to accomplish that check box via Terminal? I'm scripting something and it would be super useful if I could include that in...  View more

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Hiding default user folders using a launch agent

Hi all, Bit of an odd one. Our organisation needs to allow some aspect of local storage access to accommodate work on large files without constantly writing to network drives. They work on these files and then copy them to mounted AD drives.I want to...  View more

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Install login certificate

Hello Everyone, I'm trying to push the login certificate and make it trusted automatically to 600 ++ MacBooks. Can anyone help to post a bash script?  View more

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Setting Safari BACK to the default browser

Greetings friends, Wondering if anyone has a clever method for resetting Safari back to the default browser. Ideally we'd like to not lock this setting down, just change it when needed via a script, etc. Thank you  View more

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Homebrew script password prompt workaround?

I understand the spirit of Homebrew being secure and permissions set to the owner of the device. I've developed a workflow around scripts that pull the latest apps via brew to newly deployed machines. I have run across a newish issue where when I try...  View more

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Script Error

Good day everyone, I'm hoping that I can get a second set of eyes on this script. It is designed to check the status of Find My Mac, and works find locally, but it is erroring out when I run it through a Jamf Policy. Here is the script: !/bin/bash th...  View more

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Run script in safe mode

We have a unique situation where SentinelOne is corrupting and disconnecting from the S1 portal. Because the client is not connected to the portal, the passphrase is not accurate to the client. We have a script which will uninstall the client in safe...  View more

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erase-install.sh & DEPNotify

Hi guys, I'm doing some testing now to see if I can fit Graham Pugh's excellent erase-install.sh into our workflow for first boot - it works like a charm outside. how might I integrate this into a first boot routine using DEPNotify? Would I put a com...  View more

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Delete Apple Apss

Here's the script for deleting Apple Apps !/bin/zsh echo "your admin password" | sudo -S -k rm -rf /Applications/iMovie.app -n 1 echo "your admin password" | sudo -S -k rm -rf /Applications/Numbers.app -n 1 echo "your admin password" | sudo -S -k rm ...  View more

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Bash Script

Dear All, I would like to create an executable bash script for the scripts below: sudo sh -c 'echo "Sandboxing Relaxed" >> /etc/cups/cups-files.conf'sudo launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd Can anyone help?  View more

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Send Command or Script execution to the background

Greetings, I'm trying to run a policy from Jamf Pro Cloud in which the policy will either fire off a unix command and send it to the background and not wait for a response so Jamf can finish executing the rest of the policy. I tried using the Execute...  View more

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folder redirect script

Hi all I have tried this script from jamf it works locally but not being pushed its an AD environment and it to redirect the music folder in documentsdoes anybody have experience of this !/bin/bash Get current logged in username CURRENTUSER=$(stat -f...  View more

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Can't convert Admin users to Standard users

Im trying to convert a large number of admin accounts to standard accounts. On jamf nation, multiple people have been sharing this script below, but when I run it, it does not change any users from Admin to standard. Below is what I ran:with ###### b...  View more

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