Posted on 09-26-2008 08:01 AM
Hi all
We currently are getting all of our Mac and PC running recon without
problem. However I am wanting to get a username against our PC assets that
show up in the inventory. Has anyone done this or have any ideas how to go
about it?
Appreciate it.
Grey Communications Group Limited
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Posted on 09-26-2008 11:11 AM
Hi James,
That is what we do here, the inventory is assigned to an AD user and their location information, just come over related to their ID in AD.
Just have to configure an LDAP server under the ADMIN tab (going by ver 6.0 here). If you have a working LDAP lookup then you can just go into the inventory of the machine, type in part of a username or whatever and then have it do a lookup so you can pick the appropriate one.
Not sure if you want more detail, the settings change from site to site so it's harder to do that.
Criag E