AD Binding Issues

New Contributor

I have been experiencing issues lately where machines will not bind to AD. I noticed it about two weeks ago, then in troubleshooting the issue with the network team, it was hit or miss when it happened. Eg. Machine A could image and complete successfully, machine B might now. In checking JSS, both machine enroll but only machine A binded to AD. A manual bind works no problem. Running version 9.22.

I am really trying hard to rule of network connectivity but right now its inconclusive.


New Contributor III

Sounds silly, but have you checked your client's system time against your AD server's time? I'd seen AD servers that, by default, won't allow authentication or binding if your client's system clock differs from the server's by more than a minute.

I usually run a "sudo ntpdate -u <your server IP/FQDN here>" to resolve if this is the issue, and I'd included a script in the imaging configuration to run this command in particularly finicky environments.

I hope that helps a bit!

New Contributor

I will do that and see...thanks. I didn't think to check that.

New Contributor III

On OS X 10.9 I also had problems binding the machines to AD. By default on 10.9 IPv6 is activated and cannot set to off using the GUI. You can turn it off with the command: networksetup -setv6off Ethernet
Then binding to AD was ok. Hope it helps ;)

New Contributor

I've never had any luck binding them through Casper unless the machine names already exist in AD. Hope that helps.