Posted on 07-22-2024 06:31 AM
Hi all
We have 256GB Hard drives in our Mac
90gb or so is usually taken up by the Logic pro sound files - sometimes slightly more.
Then as users log in usiing AD accounts as our mac's are binded by AD - it leaves profile on the system and after month or 2 the mac device gets full. Only way round this is to manually delete the user profile folders in \Users
I dont wish to do this every half term - can we automate this or stop it creating profile on login?
Another thing that was mentioned by teacher is below? I am not sure how to overdcome this - can you advice?
Thanks in advance
Posted on 07-22-2024 06:47 AM
You can't remove some 'native' apps, they are baked into the OS, GarageBand, Numbers and Pages can be removed (or was that not re-installed after a wipe.. I forget)
You can stop apps being installed and only deploy what is needed (Chrome)
If you want to remove all the data each time the user logs out, you can add a script and a logout hook to bin the user directory and account.
Sure other can chip in, been I while since I supported labs.
Posted on 07-22-2024 07:09 AM
At this point in time, I would use Automated Device Enrollment paired with the Erase All Contents and Settings command every month/quoter. Just wipe on a Friday the devices and let ADE and your Policies reconfigure the devices for users.
As @jamf-42 said the preinstalled apps are only on new devices, they are not reloaded if you wipe the OS and reinstall. However, there are many preinstalled Apps that you cannot remove.
Posted on 07-23-2024 03:21 AM
Issue with reset is we do the below tasks manually
1) Download the loop and instrumental files for Logic pro - manually logging in and download - unless this can be automated?
2) install a follow me printer - maybe done via jamf but not tried
3) Jamf bind doesn't seem to work we have to manually bind to ADF every time we do reset
07-23-2024 10:49 PM - edited 07-23-2024 10:53 PM
You can restrict use of software. It's right there under Computers in the Jamf Console (Restricted Software).
There are other ways of doing this - Configuration Profile > Restrictions > Applications
Regarding the user homes filling up the disk. You can create a report for a search which shows you how much disk free space is available on each machine and get it to report at a regular interval e.g. weekly via email.
The other thing you can do is write a script to either brutally just iterate through /Users and remove any user home that the script has defined e.g. for me it would be folders starting with 2, 1 or 0. This way it leaves the Shared folder. The nicer way would be to remove the actual account and the home.
Make sure you scope this only to the student machines so you don't delete or block a teacher machine