Add MDM profile to ipad without having to erase it

New Contributor II

This is under duress and pressure seeing that they need the ipad ASAP.

And since I do not do this often, last time was 2022 when I installed an ipad, and since there are many ways to add a device to Jamf, on top of the fact that our Jamf account was created in haste back in 2019 and then handed to me, it has many variations of managed devices.

I was handed a new ipad bought from Verizon, not apple which is the easiest i know.

I tried using Configurator by adding an mdm, but it was not valid and deleted it. I used a different MDM profile in the configurator and it wants to erase the ipad as does the prepare process.


Is there a way to add the device to JAMf Pro and be managed without erasing it?


- gerald


New Contributor II

I am submitting to the community since the way i was getting help before from jamf does not allow me to ask questions to support anymore. odd.

Esteemed Contributor
  • Enroll the device as Managed without reinstalling iPadOS? Yes.
  • Enroll the device as Supervised without reinstalling iPadOS? No.


If this is organizationally owned you want it to be supervised unless you don't mind not being able to push OS updates, see what apps are installed and so on. If it is personally owned look in to Jamfs BYOD workflows.

New Contributor

Nice post.

New Contributor III

Additionally, if you have any apps deployed via VPP with the first management system, you would want to make sure you have those licenses in the new MDM and assigned to the device. You will have 60 minutes after the licenses are revoked to apply the new ones, or the user will have to get them for themselves via App Store.

New Contributor III

Half my message was lost in posting. 

If your previous management settings prevent you from removing MDM profiles, you will have to wipe it. If you can remove those profiles, you'll have to do a user-initiated enrollment to get re-enrolled.

New Contributor III

The web enroll wont wipe it and manage it to some extent, it has you download the ca and mdm profiles. 

Just needs an account that has permissions to enroll

New Contributor II

Thank you all.

Each one of you gave a completely different scenario. It is what I keep telling everyone here (and jamf help in the past). There are many ways a device can be managed, which is I guess useful for a company's needs, yet in my case, confusing and frustrating since the ipad management was handed to me -- i was not involved in the set up and creation of the account 6 years ago.


We have/had 4 different profiles: sales, install, office, and warehouse.

Sometimes I had to give an installer an extra sales ipad, but he needed things sales did not have and or vice versa, so i had to hack/learn how to open up the profile and force apps to devices. (a few times, so i have no idea how to do that again, and writing it down was not a thought since I figured it be easy to do the next time. And if I did write it down, the variables changed that resulted in no success)

I have been giving new ipads the same profile no matter who uses it to avoid segregation issues.

Then the ways to get an ipad.

  • through apple store with company account (it automatically is enrolled in jamf with a profile)
  • through verizon (not enrolled)
  • through apple store not with company account (not enrolled)
  • third-party vendor (not enrolled)

Yes, I have told the owner the best way is through the apple business account, but he does not always do that.

As you are bored reading this, I am bored and lost interest and frustrated with the complicated struggles I have experienced since being handed the ipad management. I get elated when one is actually working and say, "Oh that was easy, I will remember and write it down." But the next ipad has different variables attached to it than the last one which makes the enrollment frustrating.

I once took 4 days and 12 prepares on an ipad that would not upload the correct profile. I then realized I was doing it on the computer of the person who set it up which did not have the current profiles that mine had. FRUSTRATING.

I am in no way blaming JAMF or anyone who has given me suggestions. I know it is the way the account was created. I would love to cancel it and redo it the correct way, but that means redoing all the ipads.

Anyway. thank you all for you suggestions, they vary in vast ways, there is only so much time I can spend on this, which is the trouble with the person who created and managed it before me. It was done with little thought or planning.


- gerald