Add printer - imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5051 no bidirectional - printing fails

Contributor III

Printer: imageRUNNER ADVANCE C5051
Driver from Canon site: which covers Intel Mac OS X v10.5.8 - v10.8.0.
Installed, configured, and added printer to Casper Admin from OS X 10.8.2.
I also took the driver installer package "Canon_PS_Instraller.pkg" and added it directly to Casper Admin from the downloaded installer dmg.
I have packaged presets (in a dmg) which I have at a lower priority which are being installed after the driver.
I have a Policy to install everything.
The install process from the policy is a success, yet during normal, local install on any machine, there is pop-up after the printer install finishes which asks for unidirectional or bidirectional. This pop-up doesn't exist when installing via Casper policy.
I'm installing on a 10.6.8 client using Self Service everything seems to install fine. All settings are captured and the printer appears with the presets.
When trying to use the added printer, the queue stops and never finishes.
So any ideas how to set bidirectional printing to make this printer work?
Any help is greatly appreciated.


Valued Contributor III


I gave up on making bidirectional print work. I also got lucky and only had to have the drivers and software installed, the users have to add their own printers. We provide a how-to-setup doc.

When I was try to have Casper manage the Canon printers I could only get it to work on one network at a time, either wired or wireless not both, that is when I gave up ...

Sorry I wasn't any help, but I want you to know you are in for a lot of work and good luck!!


View solution in original post


Valued Contributor III


I gave up on making bidirectional print work. I also got lucky and only had to have the drivers and software installed, the users have to add their own printers. We provide a how-to-setup doc.

When I was try to have Casper manage the Canon printers I could only get it to work on one network at a time, either wired or wireless not both, that is when I gave up ...

Sorry I wasn't any help, but I want you to know you are in for a lot of work and good luck!!


Esteemed Contributor III

Did you delete/recreate the printer after pushing the new driver?

external image link


New Contributor III

We too discovered (over a year ago) that the queue stops whenever we try to print to the Canon 5051 printer. We ended up creating a how-to doc for our users which allows them to manually create the printer queue and select bidirectional printing as an option. No problems with manually setup.


I use an LPR server with this canon.
Basically when I add a canon printer, after deploying first the drivers, I add the one already defined (Casper Admin to add printers) and had the issue that changed the LPR to Canon property protocol.

So I made an script for this. Since then no issues with bidirectional, etc
We use CUPS

here is the script

# configuration
DATE=date +"%d-%b-%Y"
SCRIPT='/DeviceURI cnips2/ && {s/DeviceURI cnips2/DeviceURI lpd/}'

# do replacements

sudo perl -i.backup -p -e '/DeviceURI cnips2/ && {s/DeviceURI cnips2/DeviceURI lpd/}' /etc/cups/printers.conf

# restart CUPSsu launchctl stop org.cups.cupsd ; launchctl start org.cups.cupsd

Contributor III

Thanks for all the replies. I didnt have Email notifications enabled...
I guess I'll try and add the driver and presets install to Casper Self Service and then write up a how-to to add the printer.


carmelolopez's fix worked for me!

New Contributor III

Another workaround would be to setup the C5051 printer using the UFRII driver as opposed to the PS driver. I was able to create and distribute printer packages for Macs running OS 10.6.x and 10.7.x using the UFRII driver.

New Contributor

Hi G-Lo,

I wonder what is your how-to-doc?

Can't figure out to manually set the bidirectionnal communication ?
