Adding 5 macs from a remote site?

New Contributor III

Hey guys, I have 5 macs in a remote site in India which needed to be added to Jamf without re-imaging them. How would one go about adding these macs in Jamf? Can I simply enroll them and run policies on them? Do I have to image them? 



Regarding imaging, you should go an visit:
it gives the answer to the idea of imaging.

For 5 Computers at a remote site, I'd suggest you go and do a User initiated enrollment. Either the users can do it alone, or you help them using a Remote Screensharing Tool.

Ok! And will I be able to push policies etc on it after the enrollment?


Well, if enrollment is successful (what it should be), you can
Run policies, triggered by the triggers you choose.
Push Configuration Profiles, MDM Commands and Mac App Store Apps.

But Policies can not be pushed. Never could, never will. ;)
But you can achieve full management.

Perfect! and how about pushing packages like Antivirus etc? 


Well, Packages can not be pushed either.
Packages are usually installed using a policy. Which can be triggered at the next recurring checkin.

Would I need a distribution point in the remote site to install packages etc? If I create a policy to push a package with a trigger I don't want it to take forever if it's over VPN..


Not necessarily. You can use your existing DP. Of course, it will download from there, so it depends on your network infrastructure on the long run. But usually, for 5 clients a local DP is overkill. Maybe use a cloud DP? 

And again, polices & packages are not pushed ;)
Ususally the recurring checkin will trigger the policy ,which will dl and install the pkg.

that makes sense! Ok this explains a lot thanks so much for your answers!!!