Adding a Folder to Dock Policy Payload

Valued Contributor II

Can someone give me an example of the variable needed to add the ~/Documents and ~/Downloads folders to a Dock payload?

I have tried file:///Users/$USER/Documents/ but this doesn't work.


New Contributor II

Hey did you manage to find a solution for this ? 

Valued Contributor II

No, unfortunately not. Didn’t have a lot of time to devote to this so I had to punt in favor of higher priorities. I need to circle back and revisit this eventually though. Please share if you have any suggestions.

New Contributor III

This can be done using a Config Profile.  There are specific checkboxes for "My Applications", "Documents", and "Network".  In my testing "My Applications" seems to work and "Documents" instead places the user's Downloads folder.

I use the Config Profile method to place folders (Applications folder and a custom folder) in the Files side of the Dock since I can't get a Policy to work for folders (only apps).