Posted on 04-05-2019 11:18 AM
Does anyone know exactly which URLs the JSS connects to when adding it as an MDM server in ABM and pulling DEP enrollment information? Our network team refuses to open up Apple's IP range for 443 and is requiring whitelisting of specific URLs. Apple hasn't been able to help me with this information.
Posted on 04-05-2019 11:38 AM
@alexjdale You'll find Apple tech notes HT201999, HT207516, and HT203609 useful info on what's needed. Note that if you're using SSL inspection you will need to whitelist several of those addresses since Apple makes use of certificate pinning for some service. Not that they'll specify which.
Posted on 04-05-2019 11:58 AM
Thanks, but those are all from the perspective of the client device. APNs and such are working fine, since we have the ports open from our networks and our client devices have no issues. Our MDM server is in a secure zone and I'm having trouble finding documentation for that connection to ABM since every URL it talks to needs to be whitelisted. Are albert and iprofiles also used for the MDM server side of things?