Posted on 12-02-2015 06:20 AM
With all these Adobe CC updates coming in drips and drabs I was wondering how others were handling it. Do you create individual update pkgs using Adobe CCP? Do you group them together? What about these direct link download links to Adobe's site that get you a trial version of the app? Is it easy to get the JSS to install the license key and get those up and running? Appreciate any comments.
Posted on 12-02-2015 06:27 AM
I set up internal AUSST servers (Adobe Update Servers).
I set up the servers, disable notifications, and disable the Creative Cloud app.,AdobeID,openid&api=authorize/
Posted on 12-02-2015 11:46 AM
Ditto. Also users can update their applications against our internal AUSST once tested on he network from Self Service.