Adobe Creative Cloud in Self Service (Fall 2019)


We used to be able to install Adobe Creative Cloud on student Macbooks and then they could update it or install any app they wanted without it asking for the admin password. It seems like the most recent versions of Adobe CC now require admin rights to update or install apps, even if the user successfully installed from Self Service. I was able to create a package in Composer by installing the Self Service package I created in the Adobe Manager. It installs great and works fine until a user logs in and tries to update or install a program (like Photoshop). Then it asks for an admin password. Is there a way around this? Is there a script I can add that will bypass admin rights?



New Contributor III

In the Admin Console when you create a custom package you will need to choose the self service package option. Or if you are using one of Adobe Template packages you will need to click customize.




That's how I created the package but the newer version of Adobe CC still requires an admin password for non-admin users when they try to install programs or update Adobe CC.

Contributor III

Hello @pbileci

Were you able to solve your problem?
We had the same issue. Adobe CC ask for an admin password for non-admin users with Self-Service Package.

Thank you

Contributor III

For Staff users we don't deploy any packages as they have admin rights. We direct them to to sign in, download the CC desktop app, and then install apps a la carte.

For Student users (no admin rights) we deploy a single Managed Package with a few core apps. When building the package we select the options Enable self-service install and Allow non-admin to update and install apps. I just tested with the latest CC 2021 release and both options are working as expected, non-admin users can install new apps and update existing apps.