Posted on 09-14-2019 10:59 AM
We are going to be deploying Acrobat DC to the masses and I am having trouble getting the installer to run even manually. A package has been created and downloaded (as a .zip file) from the Adobe admin console and I have extracted the .pkg installer.
There is an InstallationCheck script in the installer that is causing the following error:
An error was encountered while running the InstallationCheck tool for "AcrobatDC_install". Try running the tool again.
If I run the script below manually, it is successful. Any idea why it would fail when run as part of the package?
if [ -f "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist" ]
OS_VERSION=`/usr/bin/defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion ProductVersion`
if [ -f "/System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion.plist" ]
OS_VERSION=`/usr/bin/defaults read /System/Library/CoreServices/ServerVersion ProductVersion`
#err will be of the type "An error was encountered while running the InstallationCheck tool for package <package_name>."
exit 100
OS_MAJOR_VERSION=`echo $OS_VERSION | cut -f1 -d'.'`
OS_MINOR_VERSION=`echo $OS_VERSION | cut -f2 -d'.'`
OS_PATCH_VERSION=`echo $OS_VERSION | cut -f3 -d'.'`
if [ "$OS_MAJOR_VERSION" -lt "10" ] || [[ "$OS_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq "10" && "$OS_MINOR_VERSION" -lt "6" ]] || [[ "$OS_MAJOR_VERSION" -eq "10" && "$OS_MINOR_VERSION" -eq "6" && "$OS_PATCH_VERSION" -lt "8" ]]
#err will be of the type "The software <package_name> cannot be installed on this computer"
exit 97
SYS_TYPE=`sysctl -n hw.cputype`
if [ "$SYS_TYPE" -ne "7" ] && [ "$SYS_TYPE" -ne "71" ]
#err will be of the type "The software <package_name> cannot be installed on this computer"
exit 97
exit 0
Posted on 09-19-2019 06:54 AM
When you're downloading Adobe Acrobat from your Adobe Admin console, which version are you grabbing?
When I logged in yesterday, the console had very old versions. I downloaded Creative Cloud Packager (we're still on Adobe CC 2018) and created the lastest Adobe Acrobat package. The version was ADOBE ACROBAT DC 19.012.20036.