Posted on 06-18-2009 10:39 AM
Is there documentation on installing particular pieces of software off an Adobe CS3 disc? I just want PS, InDesign, Illustrator, and Acrobat Pro, not the entire disc image. Do I just install them as I would any other software using Composer?
Jeffrey A. Strauss
Department of Educational Technology
Systems Administrator
Loyola High School of Los Angeles
1901 Venice Blvd.
Los Angeles, Ca 90006
(213) 381-5121 x265
? Apple Certified Support Professional
? Apple Certified Technical Coordinator
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Posted on 06-18-2009 10:46 AM
Casper Admin does this for you. Make a full disk image, use the CS3 scripts to build your image and then go into the Casper Admin part of the JSS and configure your CS3 installer to only install the packages you want it to. You can check them off with a box.
Go into the JSS, click on your CS3 package and then click on the options tab. Everything is outlined there with a check box.
Just check the ones you want to install.
Posted on 06-18-2009 10:49 AM
Awesome, thank you.