Posted on
09:32 AM
- last edited
Hi everyone,
Has anyone had any problems with licensing Adobe? We have created a policy for installing the software, but the license package we created does not work. Unfortunately, I am not the one who created the package.
Does anyone has any suggestions on how we should license the software?
Posted on 05-17-2017 10:03 AM
The licensing routine has to run on the target machine after imaging. I run mine with a shell script:
# Serialize Adobe Creative Cloud suite
/Library/AdminToolBox/AdobeSerialization --tool=VolumeSerialize --provfile=/Library/AdminToolBox/prov.xml
I keep my "admin tools" in the main Library folder in a folder called AdminData. (I used to use a folder named Management but another software application started using that path; I can't recall what it was.)
If you have access to the Adobe Enterprise Dashboard, you download their Creative Cloud Packager tool and create the license routine from that. There are several files:
The prov.xml is the one that contains your license. You call it just as I did in the script snippet above. Let us know if you locate these files.
And oh yes, you must be root or use sudo to run the licensing routing. It will obviously need access to the Internet to be successful. ;)
Posted on 05-17-2017 10:04 AM
Assuming your licensing is based on serialization you can export an AdobeSerialization tool from the CCP. I create a package that drops this in /tmp and then executes it with a postinstall script. Something like this in the postinstall script is all you need
sudo /private/tmp/Licence_Adobe_Applications/AdobeSerialization
I do clean up the folder from tmp after the serializer has been run but I would get licensing working first, worry about cleaning up later.
We can maybe help more if you elaborate on your environment a bit.
Posted on 05-17-2017 10:05 AM
Assuming your licensing is based on serialization you can export an AdobeSerialization tool from the CCP. I create a package that drops this in /tmp and then executes it with a postinstall script. Something like this in the postinstall script is all you need
sudo /private/tmp/Licence_Adobe_Applications/AdobeSerialization
I do clean up the folder from tmp after the serializer has been run but I would get licensing working first, worry about cleaning up later.
We can maybe help more if you elaborate on your environment a bit.
Posted on 05-18-2017 09:09 AM
Everything you have outlined above is exactly what we are doing. But, when any CC application is run, it comes up in 30-day trial mode.
I'm using the latest Creative Cloud Packager and our license code is current and valid. The serialization agent "AdobeSerialization" gives results of the number zero, which according to Adobe's documentation means it has worked correctly. However, the problem persists.
Has anyone else had this issue?
Posted on 05-18-2017 11:47 AM
As a test can you generate a working fully serialized application from CCP? Just to verify the serial is truly valid.
Posted on 05-24-2017 08:24 AM
If we do a non-CCP install and use the serial number, it works perfectly. CCP seems to be where things screw up.
Posted on 05-24-2017 08:35 AM
Just logged-in to Adobe Licensing to check that the code is still current, and it is.
Posted on 05-25-2017 02:43 AM
Maybe this is the issue?
Posted on 08-14-2018 06:26 AM
@Kaltsas Thank you for sharing this information, but for not sharing exactly what to do. I still like to use the logical side of my brain to figure stuff out, but needed a few hints regarding this project.