Adobe name users still seeing expiration date?

Valued Contributor III

When you switched your users to Adobe Name User license, did your users still see the expiration date, even after they signed in?

Our expiration date is coming up fast. Most of our users don't see the expiration date dialog after signing in, but some do. I can't figure why.

• Apps/products are assigned to the user
• For some reason, the Adobe removal serial tool isn't working
• Speeding up the computer clock doesn't seem to work as Adobe cries it doesn't match up with their time server

How can I ensure the Adobe apps will open after the expiration date?

We are having users open any Adobe app, like Photoshop, and sign in that way without installing the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app. This seems to work; they are signed in for all Adobe apps.

But do they have to sign in using the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop app initially? Adobe said no, but wanted to be sure.

These are probably newbie questions, but any help/advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.



Check to see if the affected users are signing into their Enterprise account and not their old standard Adobe ID.


It may be easier to use the CC Desktop App, especially if you let your users manage their own application upgrades - prevents trouble calls by letting the users stay in sync with app versions. This is a big deal with XD.

Valued Contributor III

I thought something like that would be the case. We had to use Adobe ID over Federated ID for now.

For the affected users, I deleted their account and re-added them, then had them sign in again. Hoping the expiration doesn't pop up again.