Posted on 07-17-2015 11:00 AM
This is an odd one. All of a sudden starting Tuesday all my Adobe packages started to fail when installed via Self Service. They include CS6 packages that have been rock solid for years and also newer CC2014 packages that have worked at least 50 times in the last few months.
There were zero changes to the JSS, the network or Distribution Points (Synology and OS X all via AFP) between Monday when things were working and Tuesday when they stopped.
The install starts and then fails partway through. I've had it install nothing but the Creative Cloud Tools and also go as far as installing 2 or 3 of the Adobe apps and then failing.
JSS is 9.72, DPs are either Synology NAS boxes or OS X server. All are using AFP.
Things I have tried:
•Verifying permissions on the DPs.
•Creating one policy to cache and another to install. Previously it installed directly via gigabit ethernet.
•Deleting and then uploading the package again using Casper Admin.
•Creating a brand new package via CCP.
All of these have resulted in the same failure on multiple machines and OS versions (10.9.5 and 10.10.4).
I've been working with JAMF support but am open to any suggestions here as well.
Posted on 07-17-2015 11:21 AM
@tomt are the Self Service policies scoped to AD groups by chance? Another person in this thread was having problems installing Adobe Acrobat XI scoped to AD groups. When he scoped it to just a single computer in Casper the install succeeded. I'm not sure if you are experiencing a similar issue or not. If you are using AD groups for scoping, do you know if there may have been changes to your AD environment that might account for the issue?
Posted on 07-17-2015 11:28 AM
Thanks for the response.
No, my regular policies (currently disabled) are based off of a Smart Group which is fed by a Static Group on the JSS. I've been using newly created policies for testing that are scoped directly to each machine.
Posted on 07-17-2015 11:35 AM
Post back when you find a solution or cause. It will be interesting to hear what is causing the issue.
Posted on 07-17-2015 04:03 PM
You said -install starts and then it fails. Did you happen to see the install log on os? Does it give any clue?
Posted on 07-24-2015 07:41 AM
Check your JSSs memory and CPU usage. I saw this the other day after an upgrade to java (and 9.73). It ended up being a java process that was NOT locking up my server but causing MySQL to have a massive brain fart. I know you haven't upgraded anything but...
P.S. It came down to the JSS not responding before the policy timed out, but nothing was technically failing.
Posted on 08-07-2015 02:08 PM
A quick update to this, it started working again just as mysteriously as it had stopped working before. I had tried quite a few things (reboots, package permissions on the DPs, etc.) but it was still failing. Then the next day it just started working again.
Both myself and my TAM are happy that it's now working but still stumped at why it was failing for two days.
Thanks for all the suggestions everyone.