Posted on 09-30-2011 02:17 AM
Hi Guys
Does anyone have a copy of this tool they can send me? I have downloaded from adobe via their link
Enterprise administration | Acrobat family of products<>
and it fails to run, all sites i go to just point me back to this site,
Does anyone have a working coy?
Criss Myers
Senior IT Analyst (Mac Services)
iPhone / iPad Developer
Apple Certified Technical Coordinator v10.5
LIS Development Team
Adelphi Building AB28
University of Central Lancashire
Preston PR1 2HE
Ex 5050
01772 895050
Posted on 09-30-2011 03:04 AM
i don't think itt works with acrobat. try the new AAMEE 2.1 just released the other day instead.
Posted on 09-30-2011 03:56 AM
i'm pretty sure prtk doesn't work with acrobat 9; not sure about x. i also just got up and probably shouldn't be typing suggestions right now…
either the tool works with acrobat x and your syntax is wrong, or it doesn't work.
post your script, and someone can probably help you.
Posted on 09-30-2011 05:49 AM
The binary is buried (it's not a functioning GUI application)...maybe the Adobe engineer was out sick the day it was released:
$ /Volumes/release/
Copyright 2009 Adobe Systems Incorporated All rights reserved.
adobe_provisioning_tool version: 1.0 Release (,1.0)
usage: adobe_provisioning_tool -C -a <AMT folder path> -s <Serial Number> This is to validate the serial number against the application.sif file. The caller is expected to pass the clear serial number w/o any dashes ('-'). The AMT folder path should contain the following files. a) application.xml b) application.sif c) SLConfig.xml d) aul.xml
adobe_provisioning_tool -V -p <payload code> -s <Serial Number> -g <logfile path> This is to validate the serial number against the application.sif file. The caller is expected to pass the clear serial number.
adobe_provisioning_tool -E -e <LEID> -l <locale> This is to set the EULA Acceptance flags in the cache.db (Cache PCD).
adobe_provisioning_tool -S -a <XML file path> This is to set the EULA Suppression flag in the pcd.db (Master PCD). You need to run this tool in 'sudo' mode.
adobe_provisioning_tool -R -a <XML file path> This is used to suppress Registration and extended profile creation nags. You need admin privileges to run this option.
adobe_provisioning_tool -M -a <XML file path> This is used to suppress Updates by setting Suppression Flag in the pcd.db This option suppresses updates for Driver payload as well as App payload. You need admin privileges to run this option.
This tool should be run only after App. installation.