Contributor III

Joined: December 2011

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server side is nginx 1.2.2. clients occasionally attempt downloading payloads (scripts, pkgs, etc.) and end up downloading an html error page instead, causing the policy to fail. when this happens, the clients appear to be requesting a range which do...
i whipped up something that may resolve AD mobile account login delays for those experiencing them. people have reported reductions from up to a minute to 10-15 seconds for logins. if this works for you, enjoy. i don't think it will break anything. r...
this might have been covered before, but i don't see a resolution anywhere. i baked a new 10.8 netboot set that allows AD login to a full desktop environment and access to casper imaging, etc. launching any of the casper guy tools throws realbasic er...
this could just be the db i'm working with here, but i've noticed if i do an advanced inventory search like this: operating system LIKE 10.4 i get ALL the hosts in inventory. using 10.4. or 10.4.x yields the same results. smart groups are not similar...
on a rhel 6.2 install with openjdk and the official linux jss installed (not via source), i'm trying to import ssl certs to the tomcat keystore. importing the root CA and the cert for the host looks like it works fine. both show up in the keystore. u...