Posted on 06-30-2011 10:30 AM
For anyone who read the below article (I notice that Don M had) and was hoping that the provisioning tool was going to include an Inventory option (adobe_prtk –tool=InventorySN), it isn't going to happen.
Inventory Tool
Customers currently have no easy, accurate, scalable way to track the actual status of licenses deployed to machines without purchasing third party Software Asset Management tools. The resulting uncertainty in license usage is undesirable for customers and Adobe. APTEE provides a way to read the pcd files and return an XML block containing the complete inventory of a given machine. This is useful for enterprises trying to automate license audits as it helps determine how many licenses are deployed and in use.
adobe_prtk.exe –tool=InventorySN
I had a response from Adobe about this 'missing' option:
I've heard back from Engineering. Unfortunately it appears that plans for the inventory tool were dropped and thus reference to them in any official documentation was removed (however the blog post still remains). The current incarnation is not set to get any form of inventory tool.
Looks like they want you to use the regid in Application Support instead.