Posted on 01-24-2024 12:45 AM
Hello All,
We dont have any restriction of AirDrop app for macOS.
But we cant connect two macs through AirDrop to share files. Both are Sonoma OS, one is Intel 2019 MacBook pro and another one is Apple Silison M1 2020 model. Just curious to now if this issue persist only on Sonoma and what is the fix?
I ran the below commd on both macs but no luck
sudo defaults write /Library/Preferences/ NoMulticastAdvertisements -bool false
Any help will be appreciated!
Posted on 01-24-2024 05:36 AM
Do you have CrowdStrike Falcon installed with the firewall module active? If so the default settings for the firewall may cause that. Another possibility is having a VPN active. AirDrop worked if a GlobalProtect VPN connection configured to route all traffic through the tunnel was up prior to macOS Ventura (at least I think that was the version where we encountered the change) AirDrop worked even though it probably shouldn't have. Since then AirDrop hasn't work with a GP VPN tunnel up.