Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere (scoped out across entire inventory)

New Contributor

Casper v9.2

using 10.8.4 base image. But upgrade to 10.9 after imaging.

using the new maverick DLE packages at imaging.

I would like to Allow apps downloaded from: Anywhere - scoped out across entire mac inventory. I can't even enable it under system preferences and I'm the admin. screenshot link below.


Legendary Contributor III

You can try using:

sudo spctl --master-disable

If using it in a policy, omit the 'sudo'

It turns the entire Gatekeeper process off, meaning it shows as "Anywhere" in System Preferences > Security & Privacy. Use at your own risk though, since it means the Mac will no longer check any app that tries to run.
The above works under Mountain Lion (10.8.5) and I also just tested it under Mavericks and seems to work the same.

As for why that setting's grayed out for you, have you checked to see if its being controlled by a previous Configuration Profile or MCX setting perhaps?