Alternate NetBoot Server

New Contributor

This has been discussed before but I still have not seen a solution. I need an alternate to the mac os x netboot that will run on linux but I cannot run a DHCP server on the network because there are already DHCP servers running… has anyone found a solution?


Contributor II

Apple's NetBoot is a fork off of DHCP, even to the point that NetBoot sets up it's own bootpd process. However, it does not have to run it's own DHCP service for configuring TCP/IP. NetBoot can run independently and not conflict with existing DHCP services. At my office I have two NetBoot services, and we all rely off the DHCP from our AD domain.

If you have a hard and fast no-DHCP rule, I don't know of any way around that whether it's running from Mac OS X or Linux or whatever else. Have you considered physically removing NetBoot to a separate subnet? Put imaging off into an island away from your main network?

Douglas Worley Apple Certified System Administrator Apple Certified Trainer AppleCare Certified Service Trainer Certified Casper Administrator

Contributor II

For more information on setting up Linux as an Apple NetBoot server, check out this article on AFP548.

There are others who have done the same, but this is the best article I've found that explains all the pieces. A quick google search shows many who have attempted/gotten this to work. Many of those articles aren't exactly helpful.

It goes without saying: if you are hacking your own DHCP->NetBoot service, it should be tested on a dumb switch not connected to your main network until you sort out all of the bugs.

Hope this helps. - D