Anyone using Jamf2Snipe?

New Contributor

Hi all,

We're piloting Snipe-IT in our environment and we're trying to automate as much of the asset collection as possible.  I found Jamf2Snipe a couple of days ago ( and got it working, but as soon as I did my sync I realized that I'd made a few mistakes in my config file.  I've fixed those, but now that I'm trying to resync...nothing is happening.  If I run Jamf2Snipe in verbose mode, it says it's processing all the computers in my Jamf Pro tenancy but the computers aren't updating in Snipe-IT.


Anyone able to shine some light on what's going on here?




New Contributor II

Hey @jhathi, I just started using Jamf2Snipe a couple days ago and am still fine-tuning things.

I am also running into some weird things on my end that I am still working on getting resolved, however, here's the current configuration of our "settings.conf" with redacted values for obvious purposes as well as what command I currently have set up to rin via cron every 15 minutes:



username = REDACTED
password = REDACTED
url = http://internalipaddress:8080 #(Had to set it up this way, otherwise I get an SSL error and the command doesn't execute, we have Snipe-IT deployed in a Docker container through a Portainer Stack and behind Nginx Proxy Manager for proxying).
apikey = REDACTED
manufacturer_id = 3
defaultStatus = 2
computer_model_category_id = 13
name = general name
_snipeit_mac_address_2 = general mac_address
_snipeit_os_version_1 = hardware os_version
[user-mapping] # The field from jamf that you want to search Snipe with
jamf_api_field = location username

Jamf2Snipe command:
/opt/jamf2snipe/jamf2snipe --verbose --do_not_verify_ssl --ratelimited --force --users_force --computers
Snipe-IT also has a wonderful team and they are always improving upon their solution and are also really responsive to emails and other forms of communication, so I would also suggest reaching out for additional assistance, they may be able to shed some light into your issue/s.

New Contributor II

@Manny_TBCS hey I've been getting my feet wet with jamf2snipe and keep running into issues with the Cron script. Have you run into an issue where it won't find the settings.conf?

New Contributor II

Sorry @Manny_TBCS I believe i figured out how to get it to work. For anyone else my solution was running the following  cd /pathTo/jamf2snipe/ && ./jamf2snipe --verbose --ratelimited --force --users_force