Anyone using Kanaka?

Not applicable

Hi all,

I'm curious if anyone else on the list is using Kanaka to authenticate their Mac's to eDirectory? The application itself has been working fine, my problem is trying to deploy the client with Casper, I have managed to deploy the client with ARD without problems but receive an error when using Casper (the error states that the Kanaka.daplug is missing from Directory I have also tried repackaging the Kanaka client using Composer and then deploying with Casper but get the same error. (the Kanaka client is a .mpkg)

For now I am building the client pre-installed in my image, but it would be nice to keep it separate.

Also, and I suppose this is the most important request, what kind of scripts are people using to configure the Kanaka client after it's been installed? I'm relatively new to scripting so any help would be most appreciated.

Kind regards,



New Contributor III

Hello there!
Found this thread and I don't know if it's still live.

But yes! We're using Kanaka and I have managed to make a package that's working with JAMF Pro. We're sending this out at first enrollment for all new Macs.
We don't have any script for configuring this yet. This would be nice!

What we're searching for is a script or a policy that would sync the local account with Kanaka upon mismatch with the passwords. Eg. someone changed password via our other tools outside of Kanaka. Then when they're logging in, the local account and the Novell/Kanaka password is not matching. A script at login that checks this and syncing the Novell-password with the local is what we want.