App Installers automatic updates/installs not working but Self Service App Installers do

New Contributor III

I am seeing an issue where suddenly my App Installers that I have setup for automatic updates are no longer functioning, but Self Service app installs work fine.  Seems to have started when 11.10 was released.  I have tried recreating policies from scratch but issues remain the same.

  1. No App Installers set to automatic function, everything stuck in progress but no signs the update command is ever sent.
  2. When I look at the deployment status, none of the scoped machines are visible, but if I look at a Self Service policy, they are there.Screenshot 2024-10-21 at 2.39.01 PM.pngScreenshot 2024-10-21 at 2.38.41 PM.png

Is anyone seeing anything like this and any idea how to resolve it?  I do have a case open with JAMF but so far we haven't got it figured out.


Honored Contributor

I had a couple that were setup early on that did that.  I deleted them and started again and that fixed it.
May not be your solution, but worth a shot...

If you have a bunch and they're all failing, hopefully Jamf can help you.

New Contributor III

Thanks, they were working great and suddenly just stopped working.  I've tried recreating but no luck.  Works totally fine in my dev instance.  Hopefully JAMF has the answer

Seems to have started with 11.10 but I have since updated to the latest and it still exists.  11.10 did introduce some change to App Installer workflows, but for me Self Service workflows are working fine, it's the auto deployments that fail.



Honored Contributor

Wow, that's a bummer..did it start after a recent update to Jamf?

New Contributor II

Currently using JAMF 10.1, I have not encountered any issues. Some of the items you can check are the MDM Profile expiry date. Additionally, you can access the Management history tab to verify the presence of any installed or failed commands. Furthermore, ensure that you can deploy and distribute profiles. Lastly, run the Mac evaluation utility to confirm that the device is accessible to all Apple servers.