Posted on 10-30-2012 06:48 AM
We seem to have a recurring issue with license counts for apps like Pages/Numbers/Keynote that I would like to make sense of if possible. If anyone has any thoughts, I'd appreciate it.
Based on a manual count, we've used approx. 131 licenses but none of the JAMF counts seem to match it (or each other), even after making a concession for old versions of Pages that are on machines that all we did was run the "Quickadd" package to get them into inventory.
JAMF Inventory of App "Pages": 2.0.2 4 4.0 1 4.0.4 2 4.0.5 4 4.1 117 4.2 29
Total 157
Smart group for machines with Pages - 148
I also did a quick count of our several combined "smart groups" that should get Pages and that number didn't match either - which makes sense if only from the viewpoint that it is used to assign machines that CAN get pages but haven't necessarily installed Pages yet. But even just comparing those two counts above that are results from JAMF queries, why wouldn't they match?
Posted on 10-30-2012 08:16 AM
Have you done a manual reconciliation of the machines in those lists? So, print out the computers that make up that 157 number, or the 148 number, or both, and compare those with the manual count of 131. That's typically how I handle discrepancies like that, and I usually find the software on a machine that didn't make my manual count.
BTW - EMAW! :-)
Posted on 10-30-2012 09:13 AM
We haven't dived into a manual rec yet, but that's probably what's going to have to happen...sit down and make sense of it. Just wanted to see if anyone else had something quicker or knew why JAMF came up with different numbers in different areas of the software. Thanks Steve.
EMAW!!! :)
Posted on 10-31-2012 09:21 AM
If only for documentation purposes, I would also like to point out that in looking at a few of our older Journalism machines that have been around for a little while - when we look at their details in JAMF in the Applications area, in many cases they show multiple different versions having been installed.
For example, on one machine I see the following: 4.1 2.0.2 4.0.4
(and two instances of Numbers and three instances of Keynote, all on this one machine)
So I suspect either the apps were installed in different locations by software design and thus didn't overwrite/remove the older version, and thus are all reported. This may be skewing our report numbers.