App Store removal Snow Leopard

Not applicable

How did you all remove the App Store from your build or users Macs? Did you only remove the dock item? Did you run a Managed Pref. in Casper? Did you only do a Restricted Software for App


![external image link](attachments/ab5dd690b4694cf4aeab0a5057a80d34)
Neal Smith | MAC Systems Engineer | Perrigo IT


Contributor III

Unfortunately, I'm not removing it, but I am blocking it under restricted software in the JSS so only two of us can run it. The reason we have to keep it around are for Apps that are now only available in the Mac App Store. Some apps are DRM and require the use to be logged into the App Store to run (will be fun when we run into one). We are reliving the same issues all over again that we had with iPads and dealing with iTunes accounts. And without a volume purchasing program in place for the Mac App Store it's a headache for EDU.

New Contributor III

This what I use to disable app store:

if [ -d /Applications/App ];then

#hide it
chflags hidden /Applications/App
echo "Custom Installer Message:Mac AppStore disabled" >> /var/log/install.log

#keep it from executing for anyone other than root (since it is ownership is root:wheel)
chmod -v o-x /Applications/App Store

if [ -e /Library/Preferences/ ];then
chkfixup=defaults read /Library/Preferences/ | grep ":add-app"
if [ -n "$chkfixup" ];then
echo "Custom Installer Message:Mac AppStore dock entry removed" >> /var/log/install.log
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "delete:add-app" /Library/Preferences/

fi fi

Hope that’s of use.

New Contributor III

I added the dock item to Casper Admin, and then set a login policy in JSS to remove upon login from any users dock.

As for the App itself, I relocated to the Utilities folder and set a policy to restrict access to that folder for non administrative users.

Btw nice script Jak.

Kevin Mc