Posted on
11:28 AM
- last edited
a week ago
JAMF Version 9.100.0-t1499435238
Have about 50% of 200 MacBook Airs deployed not able to get GarageBand / iMovie, et al installed.
Other Apps seem to install ok through Self Service
They all seem to be managed and supervised properly ..
Seeing this error below in jamf.log on devices in question, thinking it might be related :
submitInstallRequest exception: submitInstallRequestInvalid Message - The message could not be parsed.
DEP .. MDM seems to be wired up properly and the Apple Apps in question seem are scoped properly
Is there a way to push these Apps out to the MacBooks that need it? Devices in hands of users ..would like to fix this remotely
Posted on 09-11-2017 12:21 PM
Hello @CIT, I too have run into something similar as well. Our quick work around was to go into each of the apps in the VPP section and force an update. This caused those that haven't received the apps to start receiving them. I don't know about your specific error. I am sure others here have had experience with this and might have additional information.
Posted on 10-03-2017 02:08 AM
We have seen this on one Mac(10.13) that needed Final Cut Pro.
Have raised a ticket with Apple Enterprise Support but curious if @CIT managed to solve their issue?
Posted on 10-13-2017 01:36 AM
After reaching out to AppleCare and Jamf Support we identified the issue and the solution.
We had to run these commands:
sudo jamf mdm -userLevelMdm
sudo jamf recon
After those commands were run we could again install VPP-apps from our Self Service.
According to Jamf Support it is a known issue with Apple and Jamf (and other MDM Providers).
Posted on 01-25-2018 09:57 AM
Are other people still having this issue? Unfortunately with Macs that are granted MDM via DEP, the sudo jamf mdm -userLevelMDM command doesn't work, and the solution that works on Sierra (to rm -rf /var/db/ConfigurationProfiles) doesn't work on High Sierra. Does anyone have good solutions for this in High Sierra with DEP that don't involve disabling SIP in order to remove configuration profiles?
Posted on 03-14-2018 02:17 PM
Yes we are having the same issue. I am trying to install Garageband and iMovie on a few machines I had to wipe from initial DEP setup.
The machines are DEP. Everything installs fine. Launch Self Service - Garageband and iMovie receive an error (Item Failed).
No idea what else to do as we have not experienced this before.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posted on 03-19-2018 06:53 AM
This is a known problem, this is what I do, to get it to work. You must login as Administrator on the device. Then run the following commands, I use JAMF Remote:
sudo jamf removemdmprofile
sudo jamf mdm
sudo jamf mdm -userLevelMdm
Now when you look at the Computer Record in JAMF Pro, you should go to General, MDM Capable Users: Administrator
Now go to Mac App Store Apps and click on Application, Edit, click on Force Update
You should see the Apps installing under Applications on the device. Also, can go to JAMF Pro Computer Record, Management, and should see the Pending Commands to install the Application.