Apple School Manager

New Contributor II

Just wanted to know if anyone has deployed apple school manager..

we are being met with so many issues and little support I want to know what everyone else's experience is like




I’m using ASM at my school. The latest update to the ASM website has made things a bit better and more responsive.

Happy to try to help answers questions you may have.

Contributor II

We're also using ASM, and I'm also available to answer questions.

We have an enterprise support contract with apple, so our support experience may differ, but I've seen plenty of issues too.


Call Apple Education Support - they have small dedicated team who only help with ASM. They really helped me.

Contributor II

Perhaps if you could list some issues you are having, the collective may be able to give more detailed advice.

I can assure you once everything is humming, you will like it very much. Stick with it as they are many variables to shore up before everything is inline.

New Contributor III

We have been using ASM since it was in beta. We also had the benefit of a 8 hour Apple Professional Services engagement for ASM. We also have an enterprise support contract with Apple.

Overall, prior to the APS engagement we were utilizing basic features of ASM including the MDM server and Device Assignment. The ability to use a PreStage Enrollment, especially on iPads, was very important for us. Since the APS engagement we are working toward using Managed classes in Apple Classroom with Managed Apple IDs. We were also told recently that the Volume Purchasing Program was going to be integrated into Apple School Manager at some point to give education institutions a single point to manage people, places, devices, and apps.

I would be happy to answer any questions that I am able to answer or refer you to other sources that Apple has given me.


Like the others suggested Apple Education Support, even without an enterprise contract, will bend over backwards for you. That was at least my experience when the product was very new so it might have changed some. At the very least contact the Apple SE in your region/state and they can probably knock some heads and get the ball rolling for you.

As of this school year I'm in ASM very little unless I need a managed apple id or add a device to DEP. We switched our Apple Classroom classes to adhoc style i.e. ASM & JAMF Pro don't manage them. Our SIS is the unloved by many(including me) Software Answers Progress Book and as with pretty much everything else it's not supported and I don't have an easy or automated way to pull data out of it for SFTP. So I'm glad I don't have to create classes anymore as I was manually pulling reports and manipulating csv's when I first starting using the product. That was my hangup and isn't really a product issue as even in it's early days it was very easy once the data started flowing in.