Apple Server Issues Every Day at 9 AM EST?

Contributor III

Hey nation,

So I can't ignore this pattern I've seen over the past few days, possibly weeks. We are setting up several hundred replacement computers and signing users into their AppleID's as part of the setup process.

Everything before 9 AM EST works fine. Right at 9 AM, AppleID logins gets slow, fail, etc. Even my push notifications from the JSS seem to take longer. It very demonstrably occurs at 9 AM EST.

Is anyone else experiencing something like this? I am not ruling out something on our end, but I wanted to reach out to see if it's just us.



Valued Contributor III

I'm not noticing that and probably would as this is about the time that students come in of a morning needing help room related stuff. If there was slowness at that time, help room lines would be longer. My building tech isn't noting line length increases, but I will ask her if things seem to be more sluggish right about that time on the MDM side. As for Apple IDs, I usually only have to deal with that in the summer to assist new staff.

Valued Contributor III

My AD guy wondered if that is the time someone has your backups running on your JSS server. He does mine at 2 a.m. If your JSS is virtual, is that a time when a snapshot might be getting taken?

Contributor III

Thanks for the suggestions!

We are running our backups at 2 am too so ours are done by then (about 30 mins to do a backup). The part that stands out to me is that we are also seeing slowness logging into AppleID's and sometimes failures even when users have the correct password starting around that time. I will check into utilization on the servers and see if they are chugging for some reason during that time too.
