AppleTV - Updating an App without Installation prompt

New Contributor III

I have a group of managed and supervised AppleTVs. I deploy an app from the app store using Mobile Device App and VPP. The app is free.

In Mobile Device App I have turned on Schedule Jamf Pro to automatically check App Store for Updates
Automatically Force App Updates

Deployment is set to Install Automatically / Prompt User to Install

Once a new version of the app is available from the app store I get a prompt on the AppleTVs to install the newer version.

How can I apply the update with no user intervention required?


New Contributor

ETI_Admin, how did you resolve this? I am having the same issue and my end users using IP remotes (ipad, iphone, etc) are claiming they lose connection to the device altogether without the factory remote. curious if you were able to figure out how to remove this prompt for user intervention.