ARD 3.8 Client Asking for ALF Firewall Access

Valued Contributor II

The 3.8.2 ARD client ( is asking end users to allow/deny the ARD access through OS X AFL firewall.

Im seeing it on Yosemite 10.10.2 Macs with the ARD 3.8.2 and 3.8.2 v1.1 updates.

Every time a user logs into a Mac they get a OS X GUI dialog box asking to allow ARD. I have never seen this before.

Exact GUI message is:

Do you want the application "" to accept incoming connections? <Allow> <Deny>

At my company, IT forces (most) Macs to run the ALF firewall (policy). But I don't want my end users be prompted about the ARD service.

Has anyone seen this?


Honored Contributor

Yes, I get this as well. I also saw it on 10.10.1 if I recall correctly...

Valued Contributor II

Are you running the ARD 3.8.2 client release, or the 3.8.2 v1.1 build that Apple released later?

Honored Contributor

I've seen it in both. @RobertHammen.

Valued Contributor II

I have seen it on both versions as well.

Doing more testing with freshly-imaged 10.10.2 Macs now.

I have a 10.10.3 beta test Mac (ARDAgent 3.8.2) that does not exhibit the issue.

Valued Contributor II

I have this too, I opened a ticket with apple on it :)

Honored Contributor

@jwojda Any updates from Apple on this?

Valued Contributor II

yeah, they have been having a problem reproducing it, but they are aware of the issue. I've sent debug logs and screen shots, and have been able to preproduce it even after a full nuke and pave. They are reviewing my latest logs.

Valued Contributor III

We see the same thing with the MS Lync installer. This is what we found.

Lync binary uses a version 1 signature, since MacOS 10.9.5+ only version 2 signatures are accepted.

This is what we did to fix it (requires Xcode)

sudo codesign --force --sign - /Applications/Microsoft