Asset/inventory Management


Hi, I am looking at a multiple-system inventory which would span both Mac and PC's. This would also keep track of who the device is assigned to and update automatically. What ha people used? What was your experience? Ive heard of Oomnitza, Asset Panda, SnipeIT etc. I tried Asset Panda but had some issue with systems outside of Mac/Jamf


Valued Contributor

We are looking at Reftab as a solution to this. For managing our loan assets. It is a totally separate stand alone system, but it looks like it does what we need it to do. Just started testing it now. We used to use a different system, but for us it is not fitting the requirements. Reftab will not integrate with Jamf, so it is not an automatic solution, but as it will work off of QR codes and barcodes we can use our Staff ID cards to identify people and stuck on codes to identify assets. This should make it easier to use.

New Contributor II

Michael with Reftab here. We recently released an integration with Jamf: Reftab Jamf Integration

Let us know if you have any questions, we're always happy to help!

Does Reftab also do ticketing for users to request service?

New Contributor II

Unfortunately not yet. Our platform can integrate with a couple ticketing systems such as, Jira and Zendesk. We are also on Zapier which may work to connect to another ticketing system depending on needs. Implementing a ticketing system is something we've gotten a fair amount of interest in so we are going to look into developing it in a future update.