Posted on 01-04-2019 10:40 AM
Right now our workflow is a technician sets up the mac, when they unbox the machine DEP enrolls it, they finish the setup and give it to the user. Were working towards "direct to user" setups, but things like data migrations and various peripheral setups (mainly docks/monitors) keeps us on the tech setup model.
My question is, does anyone have a method of getting these tech setup machines assigned to the user? Right now they go into JSS with no user assigned, fix that manually in the JSS but if I can automate it that would be good.
Is there a jamf command that will assign it? I might be able to link it to out "Make Mobile Admin account" in self service.
Posted on 01-04-2019 10:43 AM
err found this, I might be able to work with that. let me know if anyone has this integrated into their deployment already, im interested to learn how others are doing it.
jamf recon -endUsername $lastUser
Posted on 01-04-2019 03:06 PM
We just have a regular policy that triggers once a week which executes a script to inventory the currently logged-in user (using the command you found). There's logic in the script to inventory the last user to login if the machine is sitting at the Login Window. Since we are an Active Directory shop, Jamf Pro queries the user record and syncs all the other fields (email address, phone number, department, etc.) into the User and Location section of the computer record.
I'm sure somebody has a fancier way of doing it but this works well for us and it will update the data in Jamf Pro if somebody besides the originally assigned owner starts using the machine consistently.
Posted on 01-07-2019 09:28 AM
So @analog_kid I noticed when I use that command it does NOT populate the request of the field. So when I used the command to change the owner of my own machine, it changed the name, but left the rest of the information (email, full name, ect...) as me. If I assigned a machine with no current owner, it only does the user name. Weird... any thoughts on that?
If I go into the JSS and assign a user to a machine it pulls all the info over from AD correctly.
Posted on 01-07-2019 10:24 AM
When a tech used to re-assigns a machine to a new user I'd have them do so via a self service policy that is scoped only to techs. It prompts them for the user name then assigns it in the JSS.
Pretty simple script, I'm sure it could be altered for your needs:
(mind you this is fairly legacy and uses cocoaDialog. also uses AD to verify the user via a bind which we no longer do.)
check4AD=$(/usr/bin/dscl localhost -list . | grep "Active Directory")
# If the machine is not bound to AD, then there's no purpose going any further.
if [[ "${check4AD}" != "Active Directory" ]]; then
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ ok-msgbox --no-cancel --informative-text "Your Mac does not appear to be correctly bound to AD, please rebind." --float --title "Verify Username" --icon-file /Applications/Self Service.icns
exit 1
# Lookup a domain account and check exit code for error
/usr/bin/id -u "${lookupAccount}"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ ok-msgbox --no-cancel --informative-text "Your Mac does not appear to be correctly bound to AD, please rebind." --float --title "Verify Username" --icon-file /Applications/Self Service.icns
exit 1
#set username
username="$(osascript -e 'Tell application "SystemUIServer" to display dialog "Enter the username you are assigning this Mac too:" default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button "OK"' -e 'text returned of result' 2>/dev/null)"
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
# The user pressed Cancel
exit 1 # exit with an error status
elif [ -z "$username" ]; then
# The user left the username blank
osascript -e 'Tell application "SystemUIServer" to display alert "You must enter a username; cancelling..." as warning'
exit 1 # exit with an error status
# Lookup a domain account and check exit code for error
/usr/bin/id -u "${username}"
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/ ok-msgbox --no-cancel --informative-text "This User cannot be found in AD, please re-run this process." --float --title "Verify Username" --icon-file /Applications/Self Service.icns
exit 1
/usr/local/jamf/bin/jamf recon -endUsername $username
exit 0
Posted on 01-07-2019 11:12 AM
I run this out of Self Service, scoped to DEP enrollment complete:
osascript -e 'tell application "System Events" to set visible of process "Self Service" to false'
UN=$(/usr/bin/osascript <<-'EOF'
tell application "System Events"
set input to display dialog "Enter User Name: " default answer "" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
return text returned of input as string
end tell
jamf recon -endUsername $UN
JH=/Library/Application Support/JAMF/bin/
ICON="ICON Location"
"$JH" -windowType utility -title "$TITLE" -heading "User Name" -description "The User Name has been successfully added to the JSS computer record." -button1 "Proceed" -icon "$ICON" -alignDescription natural -alignHeading natural
Posted on 01-07-2019 11:13 AM
Pretty simple. Nice if it would reference LDAP, no checking to see if it's in there.
Posted on 01-07-2019 11:40 AM
@ScottSimmons Yeah, that's a "feature" you've run into. I set this all up in 2012 so I've had to shake the rust off my brain to remember the details. I think all the fields have to be empty for it to pull the entire record over. In my script have had to do the following hokey thing to overcome it:
jamf recon -endUsername "$UserToLog" -realname " " -email " " -position "UNKNOWN" -building " " -department "UNKNOWN" -phone "------" -room " " > /dev/null
Or else I see that same thing you did where the previous field info is commingled with the new user.
The grain of salt is I haven't retested any of this since the Casper 8/9 days. All I can tell you is my policy along with the aforementioned script still works (Currently running Jamf Pro 10.8) for both initially setting the user info in the computer record and also for updating it if the user changes.
Posted on 01-07-2019 11:47 AM
@ScottSimmons Also, do you have the "Collect user and location information from LDAP" setting enabled in Settings > Computer Management > Inventory Collection? I recall this was part of making it work.
Posted on 04-14-2019 09:57 PM
@cliftoja great script. When you mentioned "scoped to DEP enrollment complete:" is this a custom event you have defined within your enrollment workflow if DEP enrolled, or is this policy scoped to a Group named "DEP enrolled" with criteria set to "Enrolled via DEP" perhaps? We are running JamfPro on prem, version 10.6.0 and for triggers, there is only "Enrollment Complete", which as far as I can determine, does not allow differentiation between a user-initiated enrollment and DEP enrollment. For browser based User-initiated enrollment, the user info is captured, so this additional user-details entry would not be required. We are looking to move to DEP enrollment as primary/sole enrollment method, so plan to remove the need for user-initiated enrollments, but for now need to have both workflows in parallel, with logic to separate each. thanks
Posted on 04-15-2019 08:31 AM
Smart Group using the "Enrolled via DEP" and Trigger on Enrollment complete.
Posted on 04-15-2019 10:24 AM
Force a login to DEP. In my experience the user that logs in to DEP, the computer gets assigned to them.