Assigning Site during imaging

Contributor II

Is there anyway to assign a site during imaging? When editing a Configuration there is no option to choose a site under the Management tab. Can you create QuickAdd packages and then just add them to the package part of the configuration to get around this? We have about 5 or 6 sites we will be putting into production.

We could of course have users enroll after the fact but the worry is they will not end up not actually doing this. We would rather they are enrolled form the get go.


Contributor II

Guess who has lots of egg on their face?

The way a site is assigned during imaging is by clicking the site downtown in Casper Imaging. It's as easy as that. I incorrectly assumed this was to show scoped configurations by site when imaging. I should have read the manual. :(

View solution in original post


Not applicable

As u mentioned, u can create different QuickAdd packages, one for each site and use the appropriate one when imaging. The other option is do it manually which i don't think anyone would want, but it's a last resort. The one thing i've been testing with though, is a python program that you can schedule to run once per day or more that would look at what department the computer record is assigned to (under User & Location) and assign it to the proper site accordingly. U can find the code here if interested:

Hope that helps.

Contributor II

Adding a site specified Quick_Add package does not assign a site to the computer. We now have to tell support folks to manually reinstall the Casper agent using a QuickAdd Package manually after imaging in order to assign a site to it.

I'm sorry to say, but the Site implementation is a complete disaster.

Contributor II

I tried creating a configuration without a management account set (see digression below) and then set the site specific QuickAdd package to "Install on boot drive after imaging." This did enroll the machine correctly for the site and recon runs (from terminal) but it cannot pull down policies. The error generated is simply "Unknown error." The log has no additional details.

If I try to run a self service policy it sees items in SS, but errors out with the issue discussed in this thread: Device Signature Error - A valid device signature is required to perform the action. I am not sure if they are related or not.

Has anyone gotten this to work?

Digression: For whatever reason, if you create a configuration in Casper Admins, you MUST add a management account, This is why in my previous post my machines were enrolled, but not to a specific site. Oddly, you can remove the management account information from a configuration if editing it in the JSS Console interface, but not in the Casper Admin app. You can also create a configuration in the web interface that does not have a management account to begin with.

Contributor II

Guess who has lots of egg on their face?

The way a site is assigned during imaging is by clicking the site downtown in Casper Imaging. It's as easy as that. I incorrectly assumed this was to show scoped configurations by site when imaging. I should have read the manual. :(

Contributor II

May I ask for your insight on that:

My machines are already enrolled - they have a site assigned. So far so good.
I use Autorun for re-imaging.
When I re-image a machine it "looses" the site info and has "none" after the re-imaging.
I hope you solved that - thank you!

Contributor II

My bad: Had an old Quick-Add package in place that killed the site. Everything working fine now.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

I have a feature request for a similar issue:

"Option to not overwrite site for existing record when device is re-enrolled"