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03:43 AM
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a week ago
Hello guys,
i'm trying to fill the configuration profile for e-mail, so our users won't have to do this themselves.
We have a on-premise exchange 2013 environment with IPhones 7.
The nasty thing is, our usernames do not match with the email addresses, so i think the user variable isn't gonna work.
But there must be a smart guy (or girl) here, who has a fix for that problem.
Any ideas for me?
Posted on 11-08-2016 06:15 AM
Extension attributes would probably be the simplest place to start.
If you're using LDAP integration, you can just map a field to the EA. If not, you can either manually enter them or write a script to generate them from another field using the API.
Posted on 11-08-2016 01:26 PM
If you're populating the email attribute from AD, you can use $EMAIL for the email address in the config profile.
Posted on 11-09-2016 12:06 AM
Thanks guys,
i will try this and come back to give the results.
Posted on 11-17-2016 12:23 AM
Hey guys,
thanks for your answers, but i'm still in the dark here.
We have a working LDAP connection. I'm not sure what you mean by "you can just map a field to the EA".
I use the attribute @username and @email, but it does not resolve to a username. I'm sure i'm missing something really obvious here.
Should i pair the iphones manually to users?
We have 300 DEP phones here. It's all working fine, except this part.
Posted on 11-17-2016 08:20 AM
Your email profile looks fine, except that the variables aren't in all caps. I don't know if that is necessary, but it's worth trying. Otherwise, it sounds like it may be an issue with the fields those variables are pulling from.
$USERNAME and $EMAIL are populated from their respective fields in the User and Location section of the device inventory, which will match the information for the corresponding Users entry. If either of those fields are empty, you'll need to look at your LDAP attribute mapping to get them imported.
This is what our LDAP mappings look like. Using sAMAccountName for Username and userPrincipalName for Email are (IIRC) the defaults. I know a lot of orgs don't use the UPN, and change that mapping to mail(the attribute that links to the Email field in an AD user's properties).
Posted on 11-21-2016 04:25 AM
Hey guys,
just a quick follow up.
It started working after i set the "require authentitation" on "the PreStage Enrollment" configuration.
Thanks for your help!
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