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04:40 PM
- last edited
2 weeks ago
Hi all,
For JSS 9.93, is there a way automate the account creation during the Prestage Enrollment? Please look at the screenshot below
Here is what we're trying to accomplish:
During DEP, the user is asked to enter their AD credential. With JSS 9.93, there is an option to skip local account creation. What we want to do is to create a local account base on the assigned user (whoever authenticate during DEP) and not using a standard local admin account. Is this possible? Thanks
Posted on 03-29-2018 09:09 AM
I am on 10.2.1 and seeing the issue as well. I have Locations services set to show and the Account creation set to skip. Most of the computer we enroll will still show the account creation and not show the location services. Every once an a while one will show the location services and skip the account creation. This happened today with two identical new in box MacBook Pros. One worked as it should and one did not.
I have tried all the different combos of creating an additional admin account and hiding/showing the Management account.
I did create the prestage enroll a few versions back so I deleted it and made a new one. The account creation still DID NOT skip.
Update: after talking with Jamf Support they sent up the following:
After doing some digging into that PI-004473 it seems it is still open and not confirmed closed although users reported that Mac OS 10.11.6 running Jamf Pro 10.1 did not have the issue. Another option we could try would be to log into MySQL on the jamfsoftware database and run the following queries: select count*, command from mobile_device_management_commands where apns_result_status='' group by command; delete from mobile_device_management_commands where command IN ("DeviceInfoAccountHash","DeviceInfoITunesActive","ProfileList") and apns_result_status="";"
That seemed to fix the issue. At least for now. I have done 8 Prestage enrolls and they all skipped the user account creation.
UPDATE #2:It is still working as of 10/16/2018. We have had no trouble with the Pre-stage skipping the user account creation since.
Posted on 04-23-2018 11:57 AM
Hi @jnm1 could you please confirm this is still working for you? I've spoken with Jamf Support earlier and they didn't state that as a workaround, but stated they would get back to me once they can confirm.
Posted on 05-18-2018 07:57 AM
@jnm1 I can confirm that this worked in my environment after Jamf support suggested the same to me. Now getting other niggles but things are moving forward.
Posted on 11-19-2018 06:54 PM
I am on Jamf Pro 10.8 and it's now 2 years after this post was created and I'm also experiencing the exact same issue. I.e. It's creating a local account even though I have checked "Skip Account Creation" and it's not creating a mobile account even though I have "Create mobile account at login" checked. I have tried with 10.13.6 and 10.14.1.
Have there been any advancements with this issue? Considering DEP will be the only way to go soon I think this is a pretty big problem.