cloning smartgroup gets all sites computers

Valued Contributor II

I manage a specific site and ever since we upgraded to Jamf Pro and I clone a smartgroup then make changes to that cloned smartgroup, the results are not just for the site i manage but now also the results include computers for all sites ???

what the heck is going on?

so instead of seeing 34 computers from my site being in that smartgroup it now has 387 computers that include my site and other sites !!!!

if i completely make the smartgroup from scratch i don't get this problem. but the point is to clone it and make a slight change to the cloned group and rename it.


New Contributor III

We have seen this before, if you click edit (you don't need to actually change anything) and then click save, the cloned group should start working properly again.

Valued Contributor II

@PerryK i'm very sure i've done this, but i'll try it again next time

New Contributor III

It was a little concerning to us at first also, however the problem went away fairly quickly. Reach out to your JAMF support if you are still seeing the issue, I'm sure they will be able to advise further. Just to clarify also we are using JAMF Pro 10.7.1 .