Posted on 05-05-2015 05:16 AM
I recently spent some time on sorting out a workflow to distribute apps. Its specific to our environment since we are K-12, but maybe it may help someone else clarify apps going just to the Purchased section of the App store vs. automatic downloads of the apps. Hope it helps!
Free Apps
Staff Scoped iPad (App Store Enabled)
- Make sure the App is in the App Catalogue (Mobile Devices > Apps)
- Under ‘Distribution Method’ the option should be “Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install”
- Scope the App to either User or Mobile Device name
Student Scoped iPad (App Store Disabled)
- Go to corresponding Configuration Profile (that disables App Store) and exclude the device(s) from that profile to enable the App Store
- Repeat steps from Staff Scoped iPad (App Store Enabled) process
- Remove device(s) from Configuration Profile exclusion list to close the App Store
Paid Apps
Staff Scoped iPad (App Store Enabled)
- User must be enrolled with VPP Invitation
- Make sure the App is in the VPP App Catalogue (Users > VPP Assignments)
- Scope the paid app to user under Users > VPP Assignments
- Make sure the App is in the App Catalogue (Mobile Devices > Apps)
- Under ‘Distribution Method’ the option should be “Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install”
- Scope the App to either User or Mobile Device name
Student Scoped iPad (App Store Disabled)
- User must be enrolled with VPP Invitation
- Go to corresponding Configuration Profile (Student vs. SPED) and exclude the device(s) from that profile to enable the App Store
- Make sure the App is in the VPP App Catalogue (Users > VPP Assignments)
- Scope the paid app to user under Users > VPP Assignments
- Make sure the App is in the App Catalogue (Mobile Devices > Apps)
- Under ‘Distribution Method’ the option should be “Install Automatically/Prompt Users to Install”
- Scope the App to either User or Mobile Device name