Posted on 12-04-2018 10:09 AM
Let's assume the scenario where Mac has not connected to Internet (=Jamf management) within x amount of days.
Is it possible to have a policy/script checking the connection to Jamf and if the x limit is reached, then certain folders are deleted automatically?
Or, if user deletes the MDM profile / removes the framework, that company data (=certain folder) is removed.
Main goal here is that if Mac is not reporting to Jamf for one reason or other, we would like to have a "time-bomb" so to say that would trigger and remove company data on the Mac.
Posted on 12-04-2018 11:30 AM
I think you may be able to use crontab and tie it to a script that uses the Jamf API to auth with a limited service account to lookup the computer object in Jamf and see if it has or hasn't checked in within your time frame. Could also add logic to see if the management framework exists on the local machine as well. If whatever your parameters are exceed a certain limit you define it would perform whatever actions are within your script to delete certain information, but you would need to know exactly what you are targeting and obviously anything outside of those folders would be excluded from removal.