Posted on
05:15 AM
- last edited
Nos élèves vont changer de classe à la rentrée (Rubrique "Poste" sur la capture ci-dessous) et nous aimerions savoir s'il était possible d'actualiser automatiquement la recherche LDAP d'un utilisateur (et donc de sa nouvelle classe) sans être obligé d'appuyer sur la petite loupe?
Vu qu'on a plus de 800 utilisateurs... ;-)
Posted on 08-23-2016 07:53 AM
is this on Macs? Or iOS?
On Macs, you can use recon to update any portion of that information if the user's name is on the local computer. I don't know a way to tell the JSS to re-run the LDAP lookup without clicking the magnifying glass.
I have a script that looks at the login history of a computer, picks the user with the most logins, then looks the user up in LDAP and runs the command below. However, if you don't have the assigned user on the workstation, I'm not sure how to get the JSS to update...
jamf recon -endUsername "$mainUserFound" -realname "$userFirstname $userLastname" -email "$userEmail" -position "$userPosition" -phone "$userPhone" -department "$userDepartment" -room "$userRoom" -building "$userBuilding"
Posted on 08-24-2016 12:56 AM
This is for iOS. Is it the same script?
Posted on 08-26-2016 02:05 AM
Personne pour m'aider?
Posted on 08-26-2016 06:33 AM
The JSS does not have the functionality you are asking for. With Mac, you can get around it with a script such as I mentioned above. For iOS, there is no solution.
I recommend a feature request. There may be one already. Perhaps this one?
Posted on 09-05-2016 06:51 AM
Bonjour Anastasiane,
C'est possible automatiquement, as tu vérifié dans les réglages > Gestion des appareils mobiles > Collecte d'inventaire
Que la case : Collecter des informations sur l’utilisateur et l’emplacement depuis LDAP soit bien cochée ?
Lors du prochain inventaire les infos seront mis à jours.